Traffic laws are designed to ensure safety on the roads and regulate the behavior of motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians.

The Belgian Highway Code, available in both French and Dutch, serves as a comprehensive guide to traffic regulations. Its primary aim is to uphold road safety and facilitate smooth traffic flow on public roads.

Stringent measures are implemented to enforce compliance with these regulations. Violations of the Highway Code may result in penalties, the severity of which depends on the degree of the offense. The Code categorizes offenses into first, second, third, and fourth degrees, with fourth-degree offenses being the most severe. The degree of the offense directly correlates with the prescribed penalty.

Penalties for non-compliance span from monetary fines to potential imprisonment.

Our lawyers can assist you before the Belgian Police Courts. In many cases you will not even have to pay for our services as the obligatory car insurance incorporates the services of a lawyer before the Police Court. You have the freedom to chose you own (and preferably) experienced lawyer. Contact us now to find out more.

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Aerial view of highway and overpass in city

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